sábado, 3 de março de 2012

Investidura ao Título de "Grande Cavaleiro Comendante para o Brasil"

Nombramiento de Su Alteza Duque Prof Dr.Javier Gold Ferrari,PhD a H.E Osvaldo Junior Pansera Waczuk, knight great commander for Brazil

No dia 24 de janeiro de 2012, recebi com muita honra o título de  "Grande Cavaleiro Comandante para o Brasil ", pela Ducal House Gold Ferrari Serene Sovereing Order Knight King Christ.

H.E. Osvaldo Junior Pansera Waczuk.,knight great commander for brazil Serene Sovereign Order of Knight King Christ.

Con todos los Honores, Preeminencias y Distinciones inherentes a la misma, para que sea reconocida con acato y respeto como Miembro de Nuestra Orden, Concebido el año de nuestro Señor 
24 January 2012.

H.E Osvaldo Junior Pansera Waczuk, knight great commander for brazil.
Knight Serene King Sovereign Order of Christ.

With all the Honors, Awards prominence and inherent in it, to be recognized with honor and respect as a Member of Our Order, designed the year of our Lord January 24  2012.

"knight great commander for Brazil Serene Sovereign Order of Knight King Christ. Order of Chivalry of the Ducal House of Gold Ferrari and Moglena-Perou. Representation in Europe: HG Don Christian Decouvreur, Duke of Metsovo, Marquis of Piazzola and of Pindus.

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